Friday, November 16, 2012

Top 5 Benefits of Xenon Headlights

Your headlights have more than one purpose. Sure they are meant to keep your safe by allowing you to see the road in front of you when it is dark outside. But they also keep you safe by alerting other drivers to your presence and intention, meaning that they do just as much to prevent collisions as you, the driver, do.
So you want to ensure that your headlights are bright enough to be seen by all the other drivers on the road, but also that they are not so blind as to blind them and cause other safety concerns. Below are the top 5 benefits of switching to Xenon headlights.
Benefit Number One: More for the Money
There is not much difference in price between a regular halogen headlight and a Xenon headlight, however you are getting far more for the money because Xenon headlights are made to higher standards. Because Xenon headlights are brighter and designed to last longer, these headlights will, over time, cost you less as you will not have to replace the lights nearly as frequently as you would have to with traditional halogen headlights.
Benefit Number Two: Longer Life
Tying in to the first benefit, a longer life goes beyond just saving money. If course, you do save some extra bucks by having to purchase replacement lights less frequently, but a longer life means more. It is proven that lights normally last longer when they have less output, thus meaning that it takes less to power them, meaning overall these lights are going to be less taxing on your vehicle as a whole.
Benefit Number Three: Brighter Lights
One of the most noted benefits of Xenon headlights is that they are far brighter than halogen headlights. However, the good thing about them is that while they are brighter, they are not blinding. This makes them perfect for elderly drivers, and those who drive at night. It also makes it perfect if you live in an area that is densely wooded, as your headlights will be able to pierce through the trees, meaning other drivers will see you coming from farther away.
Benefit Number Four: Safety
Perhaps the most beneficial aspect of Xenon headlights is that they are safer. Because they are brighter, and they last longer, they have an increased safety aspect that makes them perfect for any driver. If you have children who do sports, you know how scary it can be at times driving them around in the winter, as it gets dark early. With Xenon headlights, you will be able to rest easy knowing that your headlights are brighter.
Benefit Number Five: Color and Clarity
Many times, halogen lights are murky, muddy yellow, making it difficult for drivers to see in the winter time, in the rain, and at night. Xenon headlights are white, strikingly so, and have far more clarity, cutting through falling rain and falling snow with ease, allowing you to see.

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